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Badener Sonnenkraft: now the municipality of Baden has got a succesful crowd financing scheme to fund RES!

"Badener Sonnenkraft" - The municipality of Baden had successfully implemented their contracting model with public participation

The crowd financing model named "Badener Sonnenkraft", was developed by the municipality of Baden - Austria- thanks to a pilot action of PATRES project managed by Stenum involving the bank Sparkasse Baden.

It represents an advantageous scheme that joins a simple financial concept (safe and guaranteed interest rates for investors) with the assurance to act together on climate change in Baden.

This crowd financing offered the opportunity for funding the installation of photovoltaic plants with a total capacity of 60 kilowatts on 3 public buildings' roofs and therefore save 19.000 kg of CO2.

How does it work?

Every citizen of Baden was able to buy maximum 10 module of the photovoltaic plant with a value of EUR 500,- each, get profits (they will receive annually guaranteed 3.5 % interest rates over 10 years) and thereby contribute to the installation of renewable energy sources of public roofs.

This initiative was very successful as within 8 days from the beginning of the call all modules were sold.

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